Ok, so this is going to be a bit ranty. I apologise in advance.
School are being very unhelpful, uncooperative and quite frankly a wee bit rude.
They wanted like to be assessed/diagnosed with ADHD to better understand his behaviour before they would even consider taking him for full days. I did that. I took him to the paediatrician, got him diagnosed and agreed to medicate him during school hours so that he could meet his full potential. And they still won't take him for full time hours!! What more do they want me to do?! He has his statement and is supposed to get a minimum of 20 hours per week with additional support. They are actually breaking the law! A statement of special educational needs is a legally binding document.
I have asked on numerous occasions to revisit the conversation about Luke attending school for full time hours and they keep ignoring it. So I've had to take things even further - I have involved the Parent Partnership. For those who want to know more about the Parent Partnership you do, here. They are fantastic and deal with all kinds of things. It's really worth looking at if you have a special needs child.
So, the case worker is setting up a meeting with myself, her, the senco (special educational needs coordinator) and possibly the head. Hopefully we'll get to the end of it and Luke will be in full time hours shortly after Christmas. Fingers crossed!
I hope you have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!