Happy nearly Halloween! :)
Luke and I love Halloween. I love the decorations and the costumes and the chorus of "Trick or Treat" at the door. Luke is going to be a werewolf this year! Which breaks the tradition of superheroes - last year he was Batman and the year before he was The Hulk. But it should be super fun!
This week is half term and Luke hates it! He wakes up every morning and wants to get ready for school and then cries because I'm keeping him at home!
Last week I had a meeting with two of his teachers because Luke is finding school a bit of a struggle. He's fabulous with his lessons, he's really keen to learn. His teachers said he's a joy to have and he's a wonderfully bright boy which is fantastic. However, he is seriously struggling to cope with the other children. He tries to make friends but due to him being so boisterous and 'in your face' the other children don't like it. The majority of the children in Luke's unit are quite quiet and need their own space and Luke just doesn't seem to understand that.
He came home with scratches on his face from another child - school said that Luke had provoked the other child... I think that everybody needs some time to get used to everyone else before they start pointing fingers. Luke can be super annoying but attacking a child is not acceptable.
They also think there is a high possibility that he has ADHD as well as autism - which means another diagnosis process! They won't take him for full days until his behaviour improves, which will probably take a while. They're worried about his social skills and yet are keeping him from socialising - is it just me or does that make no sense? I'm not criticising, I just can't seem to understand it.
I have been challenged by my dear friend Tanya to name a few things that I am grateful for. Challenged probably isn't the right word, but I am finding it rather challenging! So here goes -
1. Luke. As ever I am grateful for my beautiful boy. He is intelligent, handsome, playful and loving - his own kind of loving! He brings light to my life and will always be my baby, even when he's 70.
2. Lauren. Whilst my step daughter is a GIANT pain in the butt, life would not be the same without her. She's annoying and enjoys to blast loud screamy music seemingly just to bother me (it makes me want to gouge at my ear drums with the sharpest, rustiest object available). She is also kind, loving, beautiful, funny and weird. You know, that kind of weird that is both strange yet enchanting at the same time? Lauren has that. And it's great.
(It has just crossed my mind that I could have grouped the kids together... but then I'd have an extra thing to think of!)
3. The record button on Sky. I love Greys Anatomy. I have 9 seasons on DVD, I'm waiting for 10 to come out and season 11 has just started on Sky Living. I love it. The drama, the romance, the medical jargon. I love it! Love it, love it, love it! Also, The Walking Dead. I am crazily in love with The Walking Dead. The zombies, the way they live and cope in the aftermath, the rival 'gangs'. I would gladly commit bigamy for Rick and Darryl ;)
My point is, with Luke being highly unpredictable it is a God send having the option to record.
4. eBay. Hi, my name is Kirsty and I'm an eBay addict. Need I say more?
5. KA. Have you ever tried KA? If not I suggest you hunt it down and buy it in bulk. It's a fizzy drink, although you can get it in a still option. It's a black grape flavoured drink from the Caribbean. It's a lovely purple colour and so super yummy that I would glady drink it forever. It's also quite sugary so is fab for when you're feeling a bit drained and don't have time to eat.
6. Books. Any and all books. All the books I can get my hands on. I have quite a thing for a good book series. I've read the Divergent trilogy, the vampire academy books, the mortal instruments, the hunger games, twilight, fifty shades of grey and I have the beautiful creatures box set on the way. I'm also partial to a good murder mystery and the Karen Rose books have everything you could want - murder, mystery, romance, betrayal. She does this thing where all her books are connected but don't really qualify as a series. Characters from different books pop up and their story kind of continues. One particular couple got married and a few books down are now having a baby and I think that's great, I always wonder what happens next for them. Remember kids, a book is a dream you hold in your hands.
7. Bed time! Let's have a show of hands. Who here doesn't like bed time? As I thought, none. Everybody loves bed time. Getting your jammies on, that immediate relief when you take your bra off (you know what I'm talking about ladies), getting all snug as a bug in a rug. Especially now we're officially heading in to winter. I'll be honest, I'm craving my bed already.
8. Cake. I love cake. Any kind of cake. Except coffee cake. And angel cake. I love to bake cake, buy cake, eat cake. Mmmm cake. I find the process of baking to be quite therapeutic. It takes my mind off my problems for a short while, which probably explains why I bake in bulk. Cake, flapjack, coconut biscuits, anzac biscuits, oat and raisin cookies, marble cake, lemon drizzle cake... The list goes on. And it kind of explains why I'm a little on the large side. I can't help it, it's just so yummy!
9. Hair dye. Hair dye has been a necessary companion in my life since I got an abundance of grey hair when I was 14. I'm naturally a brunette although I've been almost every other colour. I've been red, black, bleached blonde (wasn't a good look!), blue, pink, purple, green and orange. It's back to brown now though, bright colours are hard work to keep bright and I don't have the energy.
10. Google. I would marry Google if it was possible. It knows everything! I'm one of those people who knows a wee bit about everything rather than a whole lot about one thing. So for me, Google is necessary for me to live. If there was to be some form of apocalypse and we lost the Internet then my life would not be worth living! Ok, I'm being dramatic, but you get my point.
11. Disney. It is a little sad that at almost 23 (3 more sleeps and counting!) I am still madly in love with Disney. Everything from The Lion King to Frozen. I love the classics, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, The Little Mermaid - I'm actually wearing a little mermaid tshirt! I also love the newer ones, The Princess And The Frog, Tangled and of course, Frozen. I love that they inspire hope for love, adventure and loyalty. I love that they are beautiful and magical and musical. I love that I now have an excuse to watch to watch them! Thank you Luke :)
12. Food. There is something wonderful about food - apart from the fact that we need good to live! Food brings people together. Dinner time is family time, the time when you sit to the table, with a meal in front of you, with the people you love, and are forced to talk to each other. No Lauren with her head in her phone, or her headphones in her head. No running around like a lunatic. You can just sit, converse with your family and enjoy a meal. Food is good.
13. Knee length socks. I have rekindled my passion for knee length socks. I had thing for them in my teens, but would always wear them odd. I had a rainbow pair and a pink/purple/white pair. I loved these socks. I bought some off eBay recently and I have found my love of knee length socks again. They're warm and cosy and look cute too. I wear them to bed and they keep my feet toasty warm.
14. Boots. They're warm, sturdy and go with almost anything - jeans, dresses, shorts and skirts. I love boots. Especially the rock chick/biker type boots.
15. I'm grateful for thinking of things to be grateful for. Does that make sense? It's sad that people forget how much they have to be grateful for, no matter what it is. Life gets in the way, you begin to take things for granted and you forget just how lucky you are. I think that people seem to remember the saying "no matter what you do in life, there will always be someone better than you". Whether that means better at a job, have a better life - I don't know. Whilst this is true, people should also remember that there will always be someone who is worse off than you. Be grateful for what you have and forget about everyone else. You and yours come first.
The photos are of me and Luke at the seaside and the other is Lauren and Luke. I'm not entirely sure why they're pulling faces though.
Love this blog Kirsty, really made me smile as I read through your list. As a fellow foodie, cake eating Greys Anatomy addict I totally get your list :) Thank you for sharing xx